Monday, July 21, 2014

Acrylic Painting on Boxed Canvas 24" X 36" - "Thy Love's Bounty"

"Thy Love's Bounty"
Freshly varnished Acrylic Painting on Boxed Canvas 24" X 36"

I officially finished my painting by sealing it with my initials after the onslaught of Typhoon Glenda last July 16, 2014. The storm left many casualties and damages to properties, including my parents' home where their 15-year-old Mango tree was uprooted. Thank God nothing serious happened to both of them. Escaping danger from fortuitous events such as calamities are sometimes attributed to luck, some even call it fate or destiny but for me it is a miracle and a blessing. It was during this time that I named  this painting as "Thy Love's Bounty". 

I usually do not make sketches of my paintings but I created one for this project. Initially, my idea was so plain. It basically consisted of some geometric figures. I just wanted to play with colors and textures in what would appear like blocks... but then I have created something else and the process gave me so much joy.

Fairies Detail


Heart Detail
Sun Detail

Sunflower Detail

Koi Detail

Love Tree Detail

Below is the original plan for this painting.    

The sketch


Then, the imagination got a "little"out of hand... and as expected, nothing went exactly as planned... 

Color my world! :)

and more revisions to come...

Prepped for color splashing! 

Art gives one absolute freedom... it allows you to free your mind. You can create, revise, or even change course all together... your only limitation is your imagination...

Nemo finally finding himself as a Koi... "I'm not striped, I'm spotted!" LOL!

I can not part yet with my Love Tree and Fairies, so this painting would be a series. I already sketched my next project which will be on a double boxed canvas using acrylic paint. 

Follow your bliss and be blessed! :)

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