Monday, November 21, 2011

Party Themes and Costumes Double the Fun!

Cat Woman, unmasked! *Miyawrr*
No, I did not attend a post Halloween Costume Party and I wasn't wearing a Felix the Cat Costume. It was a kiddie costume party with the theme "Your Favorite Cartoon Characters and Superheroes," and instead I chose to wear my favorite Supervillainess costume, The Cat Woman. I picked the character because there are fewer interesting Super Heroines than Super Heroes to choose from aside from Wonder Woman and our local Darna, whose costumes, I think, are frighteningly bold and daring for a kiddie party that I'd rather come as Dora the Explorer with full bangs and a backpack! But more than that, I am really fascinated with the Cat Woman. She has a love-hate, on-off relationship with Batman who actually loves and trusts her enough to reveal to her his true identity as Bruce Wayne! Now, how sweet is that? The Cat Woman may be vicious at times, not to mention, a professional thief too *eww* but she has a conscience and a heart that make her want to reform. The Cat Woman is also very witty and attractive. According to the creator, Bob Kane, Cat Woman was inspired to "...personify feminine pulchritude at its most sensuous." and "At the same time, this character was meant to be different from other Batman villains like the Joker in that she was never a killer or evil."

Cat Woman and Bat Girl at the scene
I hosted the event with Sis #2. By the way, I have 3 sisters who I numbered according to seniority with #1 being the eldest, every time I mention them in my blogs. No problem numbering the brothers because I only have one. This is to avoid confusing... err... me rather than the readers, actually. Well, I just thought my sibs might not like me mentioning their names on my blog... so I just tagged each with numbers and promised to post "only" beautiful pictures of them. How sensitive of me, preserving their privacy... don'tcha think? *bats lashes*

Enjoying much?

More balloons!

Can't have your cake and eat too? Not true! I ate the cake and took home a cupcake *teehee*
Now, going back to Sis #2... it was funny that she chose to come as the Bat Girl, you know, Batman's female Robin sidekick, therefore, an enemy of the Cat Woman... yes, that's funny. I really loved her costume and the kids loved it even more! She wore a black dress and a black cape with matching mid-calf black boots. Her black mask was also a good replica. My pilya (playful) Sis #3 however, teased her incessantly that her yellow bat chest emblem looked more like Angry Birds! Sis #2 shot back, "And who told you Tinker Bell's outfit was hot pink?" *rolled eyes* Sis #1: "Who says I'm Tinker Bell? I'm the Pink Fairy God Mother! Haha!"  Oh, I got my share of teasing too, although not from any of my "wicked sisters" but by a kid who kept finding his way to get near me to whisper "Bakit wala ka po buntot?" (How come you have no tail?). My answer for the third time... I cut it. The little boy was not convinced, no he wasn't at all.

"Who says I'm Tinker Bell?" - The Pink Fairy God Mother
The mother of the 1 year old birthday boy was supposed to come as Pocahontas. I personally made her headdress which I think was really cute. Unfortunately, she got sick and could not attend the party that she planned and prepared for more than a month! But Mommy Pocahontas made sure that everyone will have a good time and we all did! The birthday boy's father would have complimented Pocahontas because he wore a Woody Costume, the main character from the Toy Story! He looked like a real cowboy with his hat and checkered shirt with matching red hanky tied around his neck. He even had a holster and a gun on the waist and wore real mean boots that looked stomp lethal to me. See the connection? Pocahontas and Woody... Indians and Cowboys... would've been perfect!

Superboy and Woody
The Birthday Boy came wearing his Superman Costume. He looked so cute as we introduced him with the Superman theme song blaring on the speakers. The other kids looked awesome in their costumes as well. They enjoyed the games we have prepared for them most especially the classic Pinoy street game also often played during fiestas, the "hampas palayok" (hit the pot, literally!). A clay pot  filled with goodies such as money (paper bills and coins), candies and also cornstarch powder was hanged around 3-4 meters away from the line of kids who will tried one by one to hit it with a wood and break it while blindfolded. Each kid excitedly waited for his or her turn to be blindfolded and assisted by the game master to turn around in place 3 times before walking towards the pot to have one good shot to hit and break. The crowd cheered wildly and gave different instructions that somehow confused each hitter. We had 3 pots to break and the successful  hitters received their prizes while the cheerers got the chance to take the scattered goodies! It was really fun!

Ooops! Missed!
Aww! Missed again!

Best Dressed: Snow White and the Three 3 Butterflies!

All in all, the event was a hit! The party theme and costumes definitely added color and doubled the fun! The food was also delightful and plentiful! Most importantly, the children enjoyed all the activities and prizes. The kiddie party ended with the announcement of the birthday boy's best dressed buddies which signaled the start of yet another party, this time for the not-so-young visitors!

Alas, drinks were served!

Cat Woman and friends... thirsty no more hehe

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