Saturday, June 18, 2011

Top 10 Ways (Not) to Sleep Early

I really can't understand my body clock! It's like I'm living on the wrong side of the world and constantly jet lagged! Mind you, it's not insomnia because I can sleep full ten hours without interruption.

So how am I suppose to correct this sleeping pattern? Here are the things I've done so far to address this bad sleeping habit which started from birth (my mom said I was a bundle of joy who gave her bundles of eye bags):

1. Early to bed, early to rise - uh oh, early to bed only to rise after twisting and turning and singing in my head. Not effective.

2. Skip night sleep until the next - Very dangerous! I tried this and I became like a cranky zombie. I skipped one night of sleep and slept at 7 PM the following night then I woke up at around 5:30 PM the next day. So naturally I was again all up and about on the third night and my facial pores were so big they're all screaming for their night cream! Bad idea... very bad.

3. Cut on coffee intake - I'm a big coffee drinker so I thought this must be the culprit. So I limited my coffee cups from 5 a day to 2 and made sure I don't drink any at night. I did this for a week but... nada.

4. Drink a glass of hot milk before going to bed - I have proven my long suspicion that this is actually a myth! Grrr... mother!

5. Read a book - This will really not work for me because I'm a book worm and I don't let go 'till I finish all the leaves and hear the cock crows. Oh Peter!

6.  Listen to music - My mind keeps wandering about and day dreaming in the night as I listen to jazz instrumental music. It calms the nerves alright but does not put me to sleep.

7. Work out before bed time - If anything, it just made me hungry for another full meal (not even a midnight snack but a real full and heavy meal with 2 cups of rice!). This is a no, no!

8. Refurnish the bedroom - I had my room repainted into a more subdued hue (grayish blue) and installed dim lights  then bought new sheets and curtains to match the darker room. I also bought those therapeutic neck-ease pillows that promise to give a goodnight sleep. Well, I got the effect I wanted, it became a cozier, dimmer room but not the result I wanted. Oh, what a waste, tsk!

9. Sleeping pills - I'm too chicken to try this so don't (even if you're brave)! Studies say it has many ill effects and could lead to a much worse habit.

10. Pray and meditate - Of all, I think this is the one that works best for me. In between my Hail Mary's though, I pray for it not to be an all night vigil

Well, late sleepers are not really insomniacs and actually do not suffer from a sleeping disorder. We just each have our own sleeping pattern, some are looong sleepers while others are short or light sleepers. Some are morning people while others are night persons. Whatever your sleep pattern is, just make sure to get at least a good 6-8 hours sleep each day to get enough rest so that it would not affect your daily activities, responsibilities and good health.

Good Morning! Rise and shine! (Yawn)

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