Monday, October 21, 2013

Internet Trolling... A Digital Age Mind Game

It is branded as a negative practice and often defined as "online harassment or online bullying," trolling is most commonly perceived as causing interpersonal commotion and conflict within an online community by sowing discord, malice and hatred. But what is it, exactly?

Some relate internet trolling to the animated creatures of children's tale, the trolls. These characters are depicted as an anarchistic lot who are always on the look out for fun, not caring on the havoc wreaked, brought about by their pranks and mischief. They are indeed, irritating creatures but generally harmless.

This type of internet trolls do shallow trolling, easily identified with their use of profanities or irrelevant arguments and comments to stir up controversies. Secretly, they seek recognition, attention and approval... they are addicted to and gratified by it... longing for their "moment to shine"... wishing for virtual approval clicks and long thread of comments glorifying their awesomeness! These lowly trolls desperately try their best to appear smart by playing with all sorts of tactics to engage prospects to take notice of them... including stalking, obtusely hurling innuendos and throwing suggestive and disparaging remarks, even posting of photos and videos to antagonize their targets. If not effective, they shift gear and clean up their acts, although their vicious nature could not hold the pretense for long! These sort of trolls, if ignored, either flare up or shut up then think of other ways to "get in." This type is the most dense, ineffective and easiest to discard because only like-minded trolls often feed them ... so yes, they starve and feed on each other and get dispensed in no time by default without even realizing they were not trolling after all... they could actually be the willing worm baits!

In fishing, trolling is simply baiting or luring where one or more fishing lines are drawn to the water to catch big game fishes. The experienced and successful angler, uses many techniques and tools to quarry the most prized and largest game fishes! It is a careful, meticulous and systematic preying on the "catch" that entails, patience, discipline, precision and expertise. Now, this is deep water trolling!

Internet trolling has different levels. It is a mind game played by an inner motivation with the intention to manipulate reactions to one's favor or satisfaction by influencing the mental and emotional states of the eyed "catch or targets." 

The new Digital Age "art," if orchestrated, participated and funded by calculated and intelligent players with a wicked agenda, could have a vast and devastating effect. Such as in the case of black propaganda and/or character assassination for political gain. This type of elite trolls carefully follow one basic rule: To never be conspicuous lest be identified as one and be counter-trolled!

Now, think again... are you the troll... the bait or the catch?

Are you being counter-trolled?

Or could it be that you are just an insignificant bad sharer attracting the same like-mindedness madness?

Or more possibly... it is all in your mind...

The truth is, no one is actually paying attention to what you post online and nothing is really intentionally directed at you.

Now, pick on it.