Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year 2012: 3 Things To Remember in Welcoming the New Year

The prospect of a brand new year brings excitement to almost everyone, pessimists included. A start of a year creates so much anticipation for a brighter future. It builds up hope of fulfilling dreams or even creating new ones... it is another chance to make lives better. However, there are actually only three things to keep in mind when welcoming the new year... those things to keep, throw and give away.

Things to Keep for 2012

1. Promises made the previous year - The new year does not nullify the promises made in 2011, so don't break it. You may always create new resolutions for the coming year but you must carry on with the old ones or reaffirm your broken 2011 vows. 

2. Good Friends - Stick it out with good friends through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you party! 

3. Your Job - Keep it, even if you hate it. It's not very wise to welcome the new year with no steady source of income. So, hang on a little and stop thinking about quitting especially during the holiday season when you're most of the time intoxicated. 

4.Good Health - There are so many things to be thankful about for the year 2010.One of them is being healthy and strong... so keep your healthy lifestyle going. 

5. Good Deeds - Keep doing good to others and good things will come your way... after all, good things happen to good people ;)

Things To Give Away for 2012

1. Good Old Stuff - Please... part from it already. You might not get back to your 24" waistline 5 years ago and even if you did, the style of your old clothes won't fit your age anyhow... so, give it up. It's the time of the year to clean the closet, the attic, the basement, the garage or wherever it is you hid your treasures! Donate your good old stuff while it still could be useful to others. 

2.  Presents - Okay, your old stuff are good but they don't really make as nice presents... so buy some gifts for the Holiday give away. 

3. Peace - It's not true that you can't forgive people who do not ask for it or worse, do not even acknowledge they did you wrong. Of course you can, simply give it and you'll be surprised that the old hurt is gone! Forgive and spread peace to others and yourself as well. 

4. Joy - A simple smile or a wave could make someone's day brighter. So, be generous in spreading goodwill and friendliness. A joyful person attracts positive reactions while a grouchy one creates bad vibes. 

5. Love and Kindness - Hmmnn, how do we give out love and kindness? Just like a lotion usage instruction: Apply a generous amount all over to achieve best result!

Things to Throw for 2012:

1. Junk - De-clutter! Throw away your old stuff that you can't imagine using yourself! If it's no good for you, then don't think of giving it away, just junk it to avoid offending people or being offended if they throw it back at you. LOL! 

2. Worries and Fears - De-stress! Much of it comes from worrying about little things that actually don't matter a lot, if you just spare a moment not thinking about it. 

3. Hatred and Anger - Enough already... for all you know the object of your ire is not even aware of it. Give yourself a break and stop being a hater. 

4. Debts - Start with a clean slate! Pay off all debts if you can before the year ends, except of course those that are classified as fixed term loans. It's wise to welcome the new year debt-free. It will surely bring you good fortune. 

5. Bad Habits - Aha! Time to make your new year's resolution... kick the bad habits! Quit now! Hehe... Good luck!

Happy New Year to All!!!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Technology: Smartphone Junkie and/or a Nomophobic?

People are becoming increasingly addicted to machines, particularly to smartphones. Surprisingly the inclination is widely spread across all ages from 7 to 70 years and older! In fact, I have a handful of very active Facebook friends who are 60 years old and up who post their FB status and comments using their smartphones!

My nieces and nephews seem like lost puppies without their electronic gadgets, but this is understandable considering that they're all born during the Information Age, Computer Age, Digital Age, Cyber Era, Internet Era ... or whatever you wish to call it. However, generations much older seem to be as addicted and sometimes even more so than the "internet babies," but that is not really so surprising because they are actually the ones who have the means to buy smartphones!

It is very easy to self-diagnose if you have become a Smartphone Junkie or severely suffering from nomophobia, the fear of being out of mobile contact!

If your answer is TRUE to at least 5 out of the 10 items below, then you might seriously want to consider joining the Smartphone Anonymous or visit a therapist!

1. You can't ignore a bleep, a tone or a vibration emanating from your smartphone and just have to drop whatever it is you're doing to check it.

2. You can't bring yourself to turn off your smartphone, not even for a minute.

3. You sleep, eat and take a bath with your smartphone not more than a meter away from you.

4. You take pictures of your food and post them to social networking sites using your smartphone before actually eating it.

5. You post your every location to social networking sites using your smartphone as if reporting your whereabouts to authorities in case someone attempts to kidnap you.

6. You post how you feel, what you are currently doing, who you are with and other personal details happening to you on social networking sites using your smartphone not less than 3 times daily.

7. You instinctively grope for your smartphone as soon as you wake up to check your messages, updates and to browse the internet.

8. You don't remember important dates and appointments without being prompted by your smartphone.

9. You feel proud of your smart phone like a trophy and so you display it for the world to see.

10. You talk about how good your smartphone is every chance you get, not to mention you also talk to your smartphone that talks back to you!

11. You upgrade to a smarter phone as soon as a new version hit the market.

Me? An addict? Nuh, uh!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Top 5 Relationship Issues: Give Your Heart a Break!

Break ups are true heart breakers! It doesn't matter if you were the one who initiated the separation or not, for sure, it will cut both ways. I had my fair share of heart aches and drama and I felt like writing about the topic because someone very close to me is currently undergoing a major relationship tear down and also, a very popular local celebrity item, KC Concepcion and Piolo Pascual broke up hot off the fire! The news about the break up actually became a hotter issue than the recent stand off between the executive and judicial branches of the government with regards to the ex-president's right to travel abroad to seek medical attention. I thought it better to write about love and its sad ending rather than politics and its bad ending.

Who knows what really causes a relationship to break apart. It will be hard, almost impossible, to positively pin point the reason behind it because there are a lot of factors involved but here are the top 5 relationship issues that commonly cause a relationship to fall apart:

1. Financial Issue - The saying "When poverty knocks at the door, love flies out of the window" could be true but not in all cases because rich couples also break up due to financial issues. The financial problem does not really mean how much or how little money the couple has but how they value and spend it. It also should not matter who earns more. Problems occur only if the couple have differing objectives, priorities and ways of handling finances. The real issues behind a couple's financial problem are actually far deeper than money per se, which is only a diversion from the true conflicts between the two which are: Pride, generosity or lack of it, division of responsibilities as in the case of payment of bills, and sadly, greediness.

2. Intellectual Issue - A relationship may be affected and eventually end up in separation if the couple's intelligence are not at par with each other. An intelligence disparity between partners should not be too big a difference for it to be reconciled. Intellectual issues may include the Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient, educational attainment and also the age gap of the couple.

Social Background Issue: Jack and Rose
3. Social Background Issue - The differing social classes of a couple sometimes affect the relationship especially if friends and relatives get involved. The adjustment becomes burdensome for the partner who constantly tries hard to fit into an unnatural social set up that harbors a feeling of awkwardness and insecurity.

The Break Up Movie
4. Morality, Values, Religion and Other Intimacy Issues - Sexual orientation, sexual practices, sexual drive, other intimacy issues... morality, values and religion, these are important factors in the longevity of a relationship. A couple's conflicting views regarding these matters cause a lot of tension in the relationship. These issues are also the hardest to compromise and sacrifice. These differences are very hard to resolve and may result to a separation in no time.

Grey's Anatomy Love Triangle
5. Fidelity Issue - This one is the worst heart breaker of all! Only a few couples are able to salvage their relationships after a philandering partner has been discovered. It is sometimes very hard to fix this problem due to a violation of trust. The underlying causes of infidelity could be a combination or all of the above issues.

Is it true that "Opposites Attract?" 

Yes, if you're a magnet! 

What about "Love Conquers All?" 

Yes, only if you choose your battles wisely.

KC Concepcion outed her break up with Piolo Pascual in tears on national TV

But, I still believe it's all worth it ... 

to love and be loved in return.